Thursday, January 9, 2020

Young Goodman Brown by Nathaniel Hawthorne

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Young Goodman Brown: He is a young man from Salem and a descendant from many Puritan ancestors. He is a devote Christian.

Faith: she is Brown`s young wife. 

The Devil: He first appears as a mysterious man that carries a serpent shaped scepter. He was close friends with Goodman`s father and grandfather.

Goody Cloyse: She was Goodman Brown`s catechism teacher.

The minister: He is a Puritan highly respected by Goodman Brown.

Deacon Gookin: He is a Puritan highly respected by Brown.

Plot Elements

Exposition: Goodman Brown is going on a journey to meet up with a man for business purposes. When he is about to leave his house her wife Faith doesn’t want him to go, but he goes anyway.

Rising Action: Brown meets up with a Mysterious man in a haunted-like forest who carries a scepter and claims that he was close friends Goodman Brown`s father and grandfather. Brown decides not to trust the strange man and refuses to continue walking so he turns back home. Before Brown turns back, he sees Goody Cloyse, his catechism teacher, talking to the Mysterious man which revealed himself as the Devil.

Climax:When Goodman Brown is heading towards home, he is caught up in a diabolic conversion ritual. He finds himself alongside his wife Faith, his dead father, the church`s minister, besides many other religious people. 

Resolution: Brown ends up resisting the Devil`s temptation and runs back home. When he returns to Salem, he becomes distrustful of everyone and he even avoided blessings even though everything is back to normal.    

This story is about a young man, Goodman Brown. He was a pious man who lived with his wife Faith in Salem. One night he is invited to meet up with a stranger in the forest, however this experience changed his life forever. The Mysterious man he had a meeting with turned out to be the devil himself, and he shows him all the bad things that people from his family and congregation had committed. After that he is present in some kind of ritual, not knowing if it was an illusion or something real, he manages to escape and goes back to town, but he realizes he had changed, and he is no longer the same person, because he had lost trust in people around him.


Analysis and Feelings
I didn’t quite like the story, because it was about a good man tempted by the devil, but at the same time it shows the hypocrisy of some people in the world that have two faces. Sometimes they pretend to be someone in front of others, and they do terrible things when no one is watching. I think Goodman Brown was indeed an innocent man who used to have good opinion of others, but this experience changed him and made him distrustful of people.
I think the author exaggerates a little bit, but it is to prove his point that one never gets to know the other persons and that there is evil roaming inside them. 

Saturday, January 4, 2020

The Monkey's Paw by W. W. Jacobs

Image result for the monkeys paw author"


Mr. White: he is an old gentleman who suffers terrible consequences for using the cursed power of the Monkey`s paw.            

Mrs. White: she is Mr. White`s wife and Herbert`s mother. She is heartbroken for the death.

Herbert White: Beloved adult son of the Whites. He died in the factory he works in, for underestimating the power of the Monkey`s paw.

Sargent-Major Morris: Old friend of the Whites. he has fantastic stories to tell about his experience in India. He recommends The Whites to burn the Monkey`s paw when he brings it to them.
The stranger: he comes to the White`s house to tell them that his son was crushed to death by a machinery at work, however they are awarded with 200 pounds

Plot Elements

Exposition: The Whites are waiting for a guest who is an old friend of them.

Rising action:  Mr. White obtains the Monkey`s paw from Morris after getting teased by his son.

Climax: Mr. White`s son Herbert dies, because a machinery malfunctioned at his workplaces.

Falling Action: The company`s representative told the Whites the accident, and was shock to see that he won 200 pounds, so he remembered of what he had wished for and suddenly fainted.   

Brief Summary

The setting takes place in a stormy night at a house, where The Whites were waiting for an old friend of them to come. The guest turned out to be Sargent-Major Morris, he told many great adventures that he had in India, and he also mentioned something about an object called The Monkey’s paw. He said that a spell was put in it by an old fakir, and that spell had the power to grant three wishes. The Whites end up keeping the paw even though they were told to burn it. Mr. White's first wish was to receive  £200  for their debt. Their wish was granted in an unexpected way, which ended up having their son slaughtered by a machinery at his work place.
The company's representative told the Whites about the accident of their son Herbert, and he rewards them with  £200. Mr. White fainted after remembering his wish, and the couple was heartbroken. After several weeks of distress, they wish to bring his son back, suddenly they hear knocking in the door. Mrs. White comes running in a flash to the door, meanwhile Mr. White searched for the Monkey`s paw, since he knew danger was arising. As soon as Mrs. White opened the lock, Mr. White had used his last wish for his son to go away.

Thoughts and Feelings
I liked the story because it shows how sometimes people can be ambitious and go in dangerous paths in order to fulfill their desires. They knew that the monkey's paw was something dangerous and risky to use, yet, they decided to keep it and not burning it. At the end they get their wishes, but at a very high price.
I think there is nothing like having peace of mind, and after the Whites committed this mistake, I imagine they must have felt guilty of not burning the Monkey's paw as they were told to.  It ended up in tragedy for the family.

Thank You M’am by Langston Hughes

Image result for thank you ma'am"


Rogers: He is a poor boy who tries to rob Mrs. Luella Bates Washington Jones in order to buy himself his dream shoes.
Mrs. Luella Bates Washington Jones: She is a tall generous woman who helped Roger even though he tried to rob her.
Plot Elements:
Exposition: Mrs. Luella is walking through the streets and out of nowhere a boy attempts to rob her purse. 
Rising Action: She held the boy, but later forgives him and takes him to her house to clean him up, since he was a street boy. 
Climax: The boy, Rogers confesses that he tried to rob Mrs. Luella in order to buy a pair of shoes that he dreams of having.
Resolution :Mrs. Luella gave Rogers $10 bucks so that he could buy the blue suede shoes he has always wanted. 
A tall woman is walking down the streets when suddenly an impoverish boy spots her and attempts to rob her. When the boy tries to pull out the woman`s purse, he tumbles and the woman manages to tug him in. The young poor boy known as Rogers wants to escape, so that he doesn’t get caught, however the woman Mrs. Jones insists on taking him to her home to wash off his dirtiness. Rogers exclaims that the reason he tried to steal her purse was because a pair of blue suede shoes he had always wanted. Mrs. Jones grants his wish by giving Rogers enough money to afford them..
Thoughts and Feelings
I liked the story because it takes an unexpected turn. One would expect the lady to call the police or accuse the kid who tried to steal from her, but she is merciful and not only takes him to her house, but she gave him the money to buy a new pair of shoes. I liked it because the story shows that there are good people in the world. And perhaps, this little boy changed when he received this merciful act. I think the world needs more people like that lady. Sometimes people need punishment to correct their acts, but other times, when people who make bad things are confronted with a good action, they change in a positive way. 

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Seventh Grade by Garry Daniel

Image result for seventh grade short story"


Victor: Student. He has a crush on Teresa, bad in math, elective in the French class alongside Teresa. He is also insecure when he is around Teresa.

Teresa: Student. She is excellent in math. Elective in French class.

Michael Torres: Victor's friend. He chose Spanish as his elective class; he isn’t that good in Spanish even though he is Mexican

Mr. Belton: He is the school`s principal.

Mr. Lucas: He is the Seventh grade`s English professor.

Mr. Bueller: French teacher and a nice guy.

Plot Elements:

Exposition: Classes begin and Victor chooses French as his elective since he wants Teresa to be his girlfriend.

Rising Action: Many obstacles prevent Victor from speaking to Teresa

Climax: He pretends to speak French to impress Teresa.  

Falling Action: Mr. Bueller finds out that Victor doesn’t speak French, but doesn’t say anything. At the end Teresa and Victor study French together.
Brief Summary
The first day of seventh grade has come. A kid called Victor is permitted to choose one exclusive class for his agenda, and he decides to take French, because a girl that he likes whose name is Teresa will be in the same class. Michael who is one of Victor`s friend will take Spanish class. After taking several classes, Victor is excited, because it is finally time for French class. In class Mr. Bueller asked the students if they knew how to speak French and Victor pretends that he knew to show off in front of Teresa, but the teacher finds out that he is not telling the truth. After class they were willing to study together, and Victor is certain that Seventh grade will be a remarkable year!

Thoughts & Feelings

I think the story is embarrassing and it shows the things that one is capable of doing to impress his/her crush. I like the story and I felt related because I am learning French and I can imagine how he must have felt trying to speak without understanding what he was saying. French is a very difficult language to pronounce. This guy was very brave to pretend he knew french in front of the teacher, to show off. This also shows his level of immaturity, because I think it was better for him to be honest. At the end, the truth always comes to light.

The Ransom of The Red Chief by O. Henry

Image result for the ransom of the red chief"


Sam: Narrator who works alongside his dad Bill Driscoll as a criminal.

Johnny Dorset: 10-year-old boy who is taken captive for ransom money.

Bill Driscoll: Criminal, along with his colleague they have made several robberies and crimes.

Ebenezer Dorset: Wealthy businessman. He is johnny`s father.

Plot Elements:

Exposition: Sam and Bill plan to kidnap a child of a wealthy man for a ransom of two thousand bucks.

Rising Action: They kidnap a 10-year-old kid whose name is Johnny and bring him to a cave refugee

Climax: Johnny`s father rejects to pay the 2 thousand cash ransom, but Bill and Sam are happy to get paid at any cost to get rid of the little imp.

Falling Action: They bring back Johnny to his father and they accept the $250 bucks as ransom. Johnny is sad that his friends left him.

Brief Summary

There were two minor criminals Sam and Bill who were looking for two thousand bucks. They ended up kidnapping a child whose name was Johnny Dorset; son of a wealthy man. They took the kid to a cave hideout; however, the kid was a professional hellion who kept Sam and Bill annoyed all time with fantasy games. Ebenezer Dorset (Johnny`s father) declines the offer to get his son back, so Sam and Bill end up reducing the ransom to $250 cash to get rid of the little demon. Johnny preferred to be with his old pals rather than his own dad when they left him.
Thoughts & Feelings
I enjoyed this short story because it was about crime and had somewhat of comedy. I think it is funny because of Johnny`s immaturity which drove Sam and Bill crazy to the point that they could not handle it anymore. It is unexpected, because one never expects that a father would not look for a way to get his son back, and that the child would prefer the criminals' company than his own family. It also portrays how some people choose money above anything else. 
This story shows how some families are fractured because they are focused on money and material things. The father, even though he was a wealthy man, he was not willing to pay for his son's ransom. On the other hand, it also shows how the bandits received their punishment for doing such a bad thing, when they had to deal with the insolent child.

“All Summer in one Day” by Ray Bradbury.

Image result for all summer in a day"


Margot -9-year-old girl who came from earth 5 years ago and dreamed in seeing the sun once again.
William -a kiddo in Margot’s class who is the leader of the other students. -Jealous of Margot`s experience.
Children –They get to play outside in the sun while Margot is locked in the closet. They help William to tease Margot.
Teacher- In charge of students.
Plot Elements:
Exposition: Children are excited in the classroom because they will see the sun for the first time.
Rising Action: They lock up Margot after discussing with her about the sun when the teacher was absent.
Climax: The sun appears and the children go out to play.
Falling Action: They got inside the underground classroom, because it starts to rain again and they unlock Margot.

Brief Summary:

The story takes place in Venus where it rains non-stop, and every seven years the sun appears for two hours. People in Venus live underground. Margot is very nostalgic for the sun, since she had last seen it five years ago in Earth. The other school kids had never seen the sun whatsoever, so they were jealous of Margot. Everybody was expecting to see the sun that day. The children were envious, since she had lived in Earth and her parents were planning on sending her back. William alongside with the other kids lock Margot in a closet. The rain slows down and suddenly stops, the kids managed to experience and play in the sun, while poor Margot was left forgotten in the closet until later when they come back and remember she was left in the closet.
                                                          Thoughts and feelings
I somewhat like the story because it is science fiction, but it is exaggerated as well; how can people survive without the sun? At the same time the story portrays some realities of life, like suffering and bullying. I think the fact that it is raining and dark gives the story a sad and nostalgic feeling. It is full of melancholic feelings. And it also shows how somethings in life can be unfair. Margot didn't deserve to be locked up in the closet. She lost the experience that she was dreaming of because of the other kids' lack of empathy with her.

Rikki-Tikki-Tavi by Rudyard Kipling

Image result for rikki tikki tavi"

- Characters
Rikki-Tikki-Tavi: a young, clever, and fearless mongoose who saved his adoptive family from various attacks.
Nag: a dreadful cobra, has a wife whose name is Nagaina. He devours any defenseless creature in the garden.
Nagaina: Nag`s wife. Terrorizes the garden with Nag.
Teddy; an English boy who encounters Rikki in a ditch, and brings him back home. He is also Rikki`s best buddy.
Teddy`s father: Courageous and brave. Portrayed as someone who never hesitates when facing danger.
Teddy`s Mother Alice: She is portrayed as emotionally delicate. However, she was the one who saved Rikki when he was nearly drowned in the ditch.
Darzee: he is a tailor-bird who lives in the garden along side her wife. He is rather foolish.
Darzee`s wife: She is smarter than her mate. Nag devoured one of her chicks that fell from their nest.
Chuchundra: a very fearful muskrat who lives In Teddy`s home.
Karait: he was a young cobra. He is more aggressive and more dangerous than older snakes.
Plot Elements:
Exposition: Rikki almost drowns on a road ditch, and got rescued by Teddy`s family.
Rising Action: Rikki-Tikki-Tavi encounters Nag and Nagaina while exploring the garden.
Climax: Rikki kills Nag with the help of Teddy`s father.
Falling Action: Rikki enters Nagaina`s den and the other animals think he is dead, but he comes out and states that danger is over.
Brief Summary
This is the story of a mongoose whose name is Rikki-Tikki-Tavi. He was rescued by a little English boy called Teddy, after a flash flood destroyed Rikki`s home and got separated from his parents. At the bungalow`s garden, Rikki meets a tailor-bird whose name is Darzee, as well as a deadly Cobra couple Nag and Nagaina. Rikki earned respect from his family after killing a young cobra called karait.
 Nag enters the bungalow at midnight seeking revenge for Karait, but was found by Rikki with the help of a muskrat. Teddy`s father woke up after hearing the commotion and shot the snake dead with a shotgun. All the animals of the garden were delighted with the news, however the widow Nagaina had laid eggs. They played a trick on Nagaina, and Rikki ended up killing her as well as the eggs.

Thoughts & Feelings
 I actually loved this book its very intriguing, since there is a lot of drama and you feel like if you were inside the book. One of the main themes is courage, since Rikki is portrayed as a fearless warrior. On the other hand, another theme is Cowardice, since you can see clearly that the muskrat Chuchundra and the tailor-bird Darzee are dominated by fear. I feel that this story should have an alternative ending that should be about Rikki-Tikki-Tavi being released into the wild, he is a wild animal and deserves to be free.